Bibliographic citations
Cerna, C., Rojas, N. (2021). Modelo de Gestión basado en MRP y AHP para la reducción del incumplimiento de pedidos en el sector vitivinícola [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Cerna, C., Rojas, N. Modelo de Gestión basado en MRP y AHP para la reducción del incumplimiento de pedidos en el sector vitivinícola [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Modelo de Gestión basado en MRP y AHP para la reducción del incumplimiento de pedidos en el sector vitivinícola",
author = "Rojas Valencia, Nadia Valery",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
The objective of this article is to address the case of an SME company in the wine sector, whose main problem is the non-fulfillment of customer orders. Among the reasons that cause this problem is the lack of available raw material due to inadequate planning when making the purchase orders to the supplier, which affects the company's inventory management. Also, other causes are the delay of the supplier in the delivery of the raw material and the delivery of the raw material with defects. This is due to an inappropriate choice of the optimal supplier and the fact that the company currently only has one supplier, which affects production and the fulfillment of customer orders within the established time frame. Based on this, studies were carried out where it is proposed to implement a management model based on MRP, oriented to supply management and AHP, oriented to supplier management; In order to reduce by 10% the percentage of non-compliance with respect to the requested orders and maintain a substantial improvement in the reliability of customers and suppliers towards the company.
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