Bibliographic citations
Avalos, J., Santos, V. (2021). Guía de gestión de calidad para partidas estructurales de la superestructura en base a lineamientos ISO 9001:2015 y herramientas de buenas prácticas [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Avalos, J., Santos, V. Guía de gestión de calidad para partidas estructurales de la superestructura en base a lineamientos ISO 9001:2015 y herramientas de buenas prácticas [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Guía de gestión de calidad para partidas estructurales de la superestructura en base a lineamientos ISO 9001:2015 y herramientas de buenas prácticas",
author = "Santos Díaz, Vanessa del Rosario",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
Quality management in projects is one of the main supports and the one with the greatest responsibility within companies immersed in the construction industry, this management guarantees adequate planning, communication between its stakeholders, risk management, control and monitoring of each project on quality issues, reaching objectives such as meeting times, contractual costs, and customer satisfaction. Currently there are all types of construction projects that have a deficiency in their quality management system (QMS), that is, they do not have a control that allows them to prevent Non-Quality Costs, which generate over costs due to non-conformities, extensions of deadlines, increased risks and customer dissatisfaction. This research work develops a quality management guide in the execution of structural items of the superstructure of construction projects, this due to the fact that in Peru the structural items are the only ones that are regulated and the non-compliance of quality of These generate a civil liability to the builder. This guide is proposed based on ISO 9001: 2015 guidelines, making seven of its ten chapters compatible with tools of good practices in construction quality. Based on lessons learned, a guide will be developed taking information from 3 construction projects. The results through the validation of this guide were by expert judgment and 91.18% of them ratify the object of this research. In addition, mention is made of a series of recommendations to be able to apply and comply with the improvement of the guide.
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