Bibliographic citations
Vásquez, N., (2020). El phubbing y su relación con las habilidades sociales en universitarios de la Amazonía peruana [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Vásquez, N., El phubbing y su relación con las habilidades sociales en universitarios de la Amazonía peruana [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "El phubbing y su relación con las habilidades sociales en universitarios de la Amazonía peruana",
author = "Vásquez Grández, Nataly Ross",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
This investigation takes place in the Peruvian Amazon, one of Peru’s largest regions, where accesability to the internet and by consequence virtual educational courses is still limited. In this region, acces to the internet is not only a necessity, but also a priviledge. In this sense the investigation yearns to comprehend the relationship between social skills and phubbing through Peruvian students between the age of 18 and 25. As a theoretical base to this study I’ve used the manual of social skill scale by Gismero (2002). I chose to use three of her scales: Self-expression in social situations, expression of anger or disagreement and the capacity to initiate positive interactions with people of the opposing gender. The methodological proposal of this study is interpretation of a qualitative nature. For this reason, I’ve elaborated a 32 closed question questionnaire to be completed by 30 students, half from the public University “Cesar Vallejo” and half from the private “National University of San Martin”. I’ve excluded students from the following career branches: communication, psychology and medicine. The outcome, potentially evidencing that students are engaging in the act of phubbing, as a result of being in lockdown and searching for ways to retain active social lives. Social and physical distancing could have caused damage to their social skills and their face to face relationships.
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