Bibliographic citations
Montoya, I., Requejo, A., Silva, R., Smal, A. (2020). Plan de emprendimiento de cigarrillos elaborados a base de manzanilla y esencia de frutas libres de nicotina y alquitrán (Cigarfrut) [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Montoya, I., Requejo, A., Silva, R., Smal, A. Plan de emprendimiento de cigarrillos elaborados a base de manzanilla y esencia de frutas libres de nicotina y alquitrán (Cigarfrut) [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Plan de emprendimiento de cigarrillos elaborados a base de manzanilla y esencia de frutas libres de nicotina y alquitrán (Cigarfrut)",
author = "Smal Stocky Roque, Alessandro Stephano",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
The consumption of cigarettes causes serious illnesses and even addiction. There are several studies that mention that when lighting a cigarette, more than eight thousand chemicals are identified in the smoke that they emit, which cause diseases related to tobacco consumption such as lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, among others. At the beginning of the project, it was started to look for a need that could be satisfied with viability, so under this premise CIGARFRUT was born, an innovative product that seeks to provide the public with natural cigars made from chamomile and fruit essence, free of nicotine and tar, in a way that allows them to continue enjoying the sensation that smoking gives you, but reducing the negative impact on health and the environment. The cigarette market has a potential that little by little we began to discover through various investigations in order to find the perfect fit for the business. Another decisive factor was its elaboration, since it was of the utmost importance to be able to have a product with quality standards that guarantees what it would be offering, that is why our natural cigars are made with the best ingredients that, together with experience, results in a quality and differentiating product. Before launching ourselves on the market, it was necessary to develop various experiments, in a way that allows us to measure purchase intentions and corroborate the audience level of the target audience and thus make any changes if appropriate. With the idea more grounded, the development of business plans began, from operations to the preparation of budgets, financial statements and financing plans. It is important to highlight that, being a new company, it is necessary to know all the processes and requirements to be able to operate legally in the country. With the passing of the weeks and interpreting the results of the movement in networks, it was possible to evidence various purchase intentions, one of them became our first sale, which motivated us to continue with the project and continue with the development of the activities contemplated by the business. Without a doubt, it is an experience that is allowing us to live the business world from all perspectives and, we are grateful to continue learning more every day. We are aware that society needs innovative ideas that have a positive and significant impact, so we will not lower our guard and work on it.
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