Bibliographic citations
Ángeles, G., (2020). Análisis de los elementos discursivos-periodísticos en las portadas de los diarios Depor y El Bocón durante la participación de la Selección Peruana de Fútbol en los procesos clasificatorios a los mundiales de Brasil 2014 y Rusia 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Ángeles, G., Análisis de los elementos discursivos-periodísticos en las portadas de los diarios Depor y El Bocón durante la participación de la Selección Peruana de Fútbol en los procesos clasificatorios a los mundiales de Brasil 2014 y Rusia 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Análisis de los elementos discursivos-periodísticos en las portadas de los diarios Depor y El Bocón durante la participación de la Selección Peruana de Fútbol en los procesos clasificatorios a los mundiales de Brasil 2014 y Rusia 2018",
author = "Ángeles Rivera, Gabriel Roberto",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
The following research intends to determine how the discursive-journalistic construction in the covers of the sports newspapers Depor and El Bocon was, during the coverage of the qualifying process of the Peruvian soccer team to the Brazil 2014 and the Russia 2018 World Cups. The subject of study of this research are the differences between how these newspapers report on the matter. Peruvian soccer team did not reach its goal during the first qualifying process but achieved it four years after. The intention of this research is to evaluate the journalistic discourse during this period, which we have called “the decade of recovery of Peruvian soccer”. Based on the concepts of journalistic discourse and its particular sports approach, the study variables are defined in order to compare the covers of both newspapers: the present and visible elements (headline, text and photography) and the meaning behind them (position, intention and informative level). A total of 68 covers have been analyzed, corresponding to the next day of each World Cup qualifying match (34 in total). Each result allows us to appreciate the journalistic construction in a different way. The conclusion is that contrary of the depth, the details and the optimistic and emotional intention of Depor, El Bocon prefers conciseness, seriousness and some simplicity in their coverage.
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