Bibliographic citations
Alvarez, C., León, G., Lopez, M., Lucar, Y., Suárez, E. (2020). Aplicativo móvil para reservaciones de citas médicas – MI DOC [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Alvarez, C., León, G., Lopez, M., Lucar, Y., Suárez, E. Aplicativo móvil para reservaciones de citas médicas – MI DOC [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Aplicativo móvil para reservaciones de citas médicas – MI DOC",
author = "Suárez Córdova, Edwin José",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
The culture of medical prevention in the face of possible diseases is a topic that the Peruvian population is not yet aware of. Many Peruvians only go to hospitals or clinics when they are in pain or feel they should be treated. On the other hand, obtaining a medical appointment with a specialist usually takes several days or even months, where the patient does not have a quick solution to calm this disease that afflicts him. Due to the current pandemic, obtaining these appointments has been delayed or even prioritized by other medical specialties, which has generated saturation in the health system. A business opportunity has been found in the creation of a mobile application called "My Doc" that serves as an intermediary between the patient and independent practices (doctors), to book medical appointments where the user can choose the scheduling of the appointment according to availability, proximity and price.
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