Bibliographic citations
Malaver, P., Hernández, J., Rodriguez, O. (2020). Valorización de Empresa Pública Minsur S.A. por el método Flujo de Caja Descontado [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Malaver, P., Hernández, J., Rodriguez, O. Valorización de Empresa Pública Minsur S.A. por el método Flujo de Caja Descontado [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Valorización de Empresa Pública Minsur S.A. por el método Flujo de Caja Descontado",
author = "Rodriguez Bedon, Omar Alejandro",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
For the present work it intends to show as its main objective, to show the results of the economic valuation made to the Minsur S.A. Company. at the end of the 2018 period. To reach this goal, historical data of the Company, information related to income, expenses and investments for a period according to the useful life of the mines have been analyzed, including assumptions used in the methodologies of recovery in order to sensitize the data obtained. As a final result, it has been obtained that the fundamental value of the Company is USD $ thousand 2,154,042 and the price per share is S /. 1,584, the same ones that have been obtained using both public information and that of the Company itself, among other reliable sources of information, and of course in the use of financial tools. Finally, the fundamental value obtained in this work is of a conservative nature, because it does not include the valuation related to new mining projects. Likewise, in the development of this work there was a slight volatility in the price of commodities, with projections based on forecasts that would indicate turbulence in the future, according to World Bank projections published in January 2019.
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