Bibliographic citations
Mau, E., Merino, E. (2021). Diseño de una nueva planta para optimizar la capacidad de producción de una MYPE del sector plástico, basado en los principios del Systematic Layout Planning, 5s y Gestión de proyectos [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Mau, E., Merino, E. Diseño de una nueva planta para optimizar la capacidad de producción de una MYPE del sector plástico, basado en los principios del Systematic Layout Planning, 5s y Gestión de proyectos [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Diseño de una nueva planta para optimizar la capacidad de producción de una MYPE del sector plástico, basado en los principios del Systematic Layout Planning, 5s y Gestión de proyectos",
author = "Merino Zavaleta, Erick Ronaldo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
The capacity and good production practices are the basis for the development of companies and more with the current competitiveness. Therefore, the case study presented analyzes the operations of a Peruvian MSE in the plastics sector, which would have previously arranged to move to a new plant. Based on a diagnosis, a deficit in its production capacity was identified with representative costs equivalent to 9% of its annual turnover, derived from the lack of machines and inefficiencies, which, even being solved, would not allow to satisfy the demand, therefore confirmed that the company's decision was correct. In this way, a project was proposed that would allow the design of the company's new facilities in a larger premises, with the aim of optimizing its production capacity and preventing the bad practices detected at present from being repeated, validating their viability through a virtual prototype. Furthermore, based on the calculations, it would be possible to increase the installed capacity by 53.5%, surpassing the projected demand in three years by 24.90%, which would allow greater organizational growth in the future.
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