Bibliographic citations
Lévano, D., (2020). Desarrollo gráfico en la presentación y propuesta de valor del pisco peruano, durante los años 2000 y 2020. Lima, Perú [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Lévano, D., Desarrollo gráfico en la presentación y propuesta de valor del pisco peruano, durante los años 2000 y 2020. Lima, Perú [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Desarrollo gráfico en la presentación y propuesta de valor del pisco peruano, durante los años 2000 y 2020. Lima, Perú",
author = "Lévano Talla, Daniel Adrián",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
This research focuses on the study and analysis of graphic development in the presentation of Peruvian pisco during the last twenty years and how graphic design could provide a value proposition to this product. During this period of time that there have been significant changes in the elaboration of a visual identity of pisco in Peru, this progress is approached but analyzing the process of the graphic development of Peruvian pisco. The research is designed from a qualitative method, therefore the different characteristics of the graphic development in the presentation of Peruvian pisco will be evaluated and if this represents a value proposition to this product. The instrument used was the interview for the qualitative analysis and the elaboration of an own analysis sheet for the evaluation of the characteristics of the different presentations of Peruvian pisco, both to measure the respective study variables. As a final result, it was obtained that the graphic development in the presentation of Peruvian pisco was a conclusive factor to add a value proposition to this product, having as starting elements the identity of the pisco, the Peru Brand and its designation of origin; With this, there were also improvements in the economic income of these companies since this product reached better sales prices and therefore a better profit margin; but the determining factor of this was the contribution of graphic professionals for the development of the different presentations of Peruvian pisco.
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