Bibliographic citations
Prado, J., Ortega, M. (2019). Factores de riesgo percibido en el canal online y su relación con la intención de compra de productos de tecnología en tiendas por departamento en Lima Metropolitana [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Prado, J., Ortega, M. Factores de riesgo percibido en el canal online y su relación con la intención de compra de productos de tecnología en tiendas por departamento en Lima Metropolitana [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "Factores de riesgo percibido en el canal online y su relación con la intención de compra de productos de tecnología en tiendas por departamento en Lima Metropolitana",
author = "Ortega Diaz, Martin Gabriel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
Perceived risk has been considered for decades as a fundamental factor in consumer purchasing behavior, and in this case, in the purchasing decision-making process. The present research aims to identify and examine the relationship between the different perceived risk factors perceived by the consumer with the intention of online purchase of technological products in department stores. A total of 405 online surveys were conducted among consumers who purchased technology products through the online channel of department stores in the last twelve months, using factor analysis and logistic regression and the data analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 25. The results revealed that security risk has the greatest negative influence on consumers' purchase intention. Likewise, financial risk and social risk were also shown to have a negative relationship with online purchase intention. For its part, product risk, performance risk, and time risk did not affect consumers' online purchase intention. The study provides relevant information for marketing, especially for e-commerce specialists, and it is hoped that the findings can contribute to future studies on the perception of risk in consumers so that in this way the risks in the online environment can be reduced.
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