Bibliographic citations
Bravo, A., Rojas, A. (2020). Influencia del Liderazgo Transformacional en la Intención de Rotación de los Trabajadores del Sector Textil Manufactura en Gamarra [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Bravo, A., Rojas, A. Influencia del Liderazgo Transformacional en la Intención de Rotación de los Trabajadores del Sector Textil Manufactura en Gamarra [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Influencia del Liderazgo Transformacional en la Intención de Rotación de los Trabajadores del Sector Textil Manufactura en Gamarra",
author = "Rojas Romero, Alicia Graciela",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
The present investigation analyzes the influence of Transformational Leadership in the Intention of Rotation of the Workers of the Textile Manufacturing Sector in Gamarra. This is the Commercial Emporium with the largest participation of textile companies within the country and is considered one of the largest sources of employment. A correlational study was carried out with a sample of 376 people, corresponding to the total amount of the EAP existing in the Commercial Emporium. In order to check the hypotheses presented, a data analysis was used with a simple linear regression for the general objective and multiple linear regression for the secondary objectives. The results obtained establish that there is a direct and negative relationship between Transformational Leadership and the Intention of Rotation, in such a way that if one grows, the other decreases, being in this case that 9% of the changes generated can be explained. in the intention of rotation. These findings are important and are of great knowledge contribution for the micro and small companies of the Textile Manufacturing Sector in Gamarra, in order to understand the impact that transformational leadership causes in the intention of rotation of its employees and, with it, the talent drain and possible delay in operations.
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