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Farah, T., (2020). Vivienda económica en el distrito de Puente Piedra/Lima [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Farah, T., Vivienda económica en el distrito de Puente Piedra/Lima [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Vivienda económica en el distrito de Puente Piedra/Lima",
author = "Farah Blair, Tamara Stephanie",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
Title: Vivienda económica en el distrito de Puente Piedra/Lima
Other Titles: Economic housing complex in Puente Piedra/Lima
Authors(s): Farah Blair, Tamara Stephanie
Advisor(s): Seoane Morla, Javier Carlos
Keywords: Vivienda económica; Sector socioeconómico; Sector privado; Competencia; Rendimiento; Calidad de vida; Energía renovable; Affordable housing; Socio-economic sector; Private sector; Competition; Performance; Quality of life; Renewable energy
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 19-Aug-2020
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El proyecto que se presenta a continuación, es un complejo de viviendas económicas dirigido para el sector socioeconómico C y D. Se encuentra en el distrito de Puente Piedra al norte de la ciudad y departamento de Lima en Perú. Este proyecto está dirigido netamente a la inversión privada, a diferencia de los proyectos sociales del Estado Peruano. Puntos muy importantes que marcan la diferencia con el ya nombrado son: la competencia, el costo del terreno, el rendimiento y la utilidad.
La propuesta que se presenta tiene como finalidad cubrir las necesidades básicas y con mayor ímpetu aún, en brindar calidad de vida a los usuarios. Es una propuesta, cuya principal finalidad es crear un proyecto integral, seguro y digno que promueva la vida en comunidad.
El proyecto ha sido diseñado dentro de criterios económicos, sostenibles y medioambientales. Se ha incluido un bloque de comercio, el mismo que genera ingresos que sirven para el mantenimiento en general, y, además, consta de energías renovables como paneles solares y turbinas eólicas, así como una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Todo ello, reduce los gastos mensuales en consumos de energía y agua, además de ser un proyecto sostenible y eco-amigable.
The project presented below, is a affordable housing complex for the socioeconomic sector C and D. It is located in the district of Puente Piedra located in the north of the city and department of Lima in Peru. This project is clearly aimed at private investment, unlike the social projects of the Peruvian State. Very important points that make the difference between the State are: the competition, the cost of the land, the yield and the utility. The presented proposal is intended to cover basic needs and with even greater impetus, by providing life quality to users. It is a proposal, whose main purpose is to create a comprehensive, safe and dignified project that promotes community life. The project has been designed within economic, sustainable and environmental parameters. A commercial block has been included, which generates income is used for general maintenance, and also consists of renewable energy such as solar panels and wind turbines, as well as a wastewater treatment plant. All of this reduces monthly expenses like energy and water consumption, as well as being a sustainable and eco-friendly project.
The project presented below, is a affordable housing complex for the socioeconomic sector C and D. It is located in the district of Puente Piedra located in the north of the city and department of Lima in Peru. This project is clearly aimed at private investment, unlike the social projects of the Peruvian State. Very important points that make the difference between the State are: the competition, the cost of the land, the yield and the utility. The presented proposal is intended to cover basic needs and with even greater impetus, by providing life quality to users. It is a proposal, whose main purpose is to create a comprehensive, safe and dignified project that promotes community life. The project has been designed within economic, sustainable and environmental parameters. A commercial block has been included, which generates income is used for general maintenance, and also consists of renewable energy such as solar panels and wind turbines, as well as a wastewater treatment plant. All of this reduces monthly expenses like energy and water consumption, as well as being a sustainable and eco-friendly project.
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Discipline: Arquitectura
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Arquitectura
Grade or title: Arquitecto
Register date: 9-Nov-2020
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