Bibliographic citations
Gazco, J., Sánchez, V., Taipe, L. (2020). Los desafíos de la comunicación en tiempos de pandemia por la covid-19 y propuesta de un plan estratégico de comunicación para el centro cultural de la Universidad Continental [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Gazco, J., Sánchez, V., Taipe, L. Los desafíos de la comunicación en tiempos de pandemia por la covid-19 y propuesta de un plan estratégico de comunicación para el centro cultural de la Universidad Continental [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Los desafíos de la comunicación en tiempos de pandemia por la covid-19 y propuesta de un plan estratégico de comunicación para el centro cultural de la Universidad Continental",
author = "Taipe Palomino, Liu Yilan",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
This research work seeks to analyze the management of corporate communication in times of a COVID-19 pandemic. To do this, information was collected from the Continental Cultural Center through a meticulous follow-up on its only social network, fanpage, interviews with experts in cultural management at the local, national and international levels and with the followers of the CCC. As a result of the analysis, we present a proposal for a strategic communication plan to be applied in the CCC. Emphasizing, as future DIRCOM, the proper treatment of communication and aligned with the strategic objectives of the company. The proposal seeks to correct the flaws identified in the CCC's communication management. The document will be presented for analysis and use with the hope that it will be implemented and contribute to the improvement of communication management that results in the notoriety of the CCC, positively impacting the image. We conclude that the strategic communication plan allows to prepare scenarios that facilitate the development of this cultural area in an optimal way in the face of large-scale crisis situations.
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