Bibliographic citations
Esquivel, C., (2020). Diversidad e inclusión en el paso de manto dentro de la narrativa gráfica de Marvel de la última década [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Esquivel, C., Diversidad e inclusión en el paso de manto dentro de la narrativa gráfica de Marvel de la última década [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Diversidad e inclusión en el paso de manto dentro de la narrativa gráfica de Marvel de la última década",
author = "Esquivel Alvarez, Camila Andrea",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
This research aims to analyze the graphic tools used to address topics related to social issues in Marvel comics in which a character claims the title of an existing superhero for inclusion purposes. Under the hypothesis that there is a recurring use of certain images and graphic tools when representing minorities. Five comics were analyzed under a sample of maximum variability of the represented diversity was used: Spider-Man (race), Captain Marvel (gender) y Ms. Marvel (religion/ethnicity), adding to them the oldest character, Hawkeye, and the most recent, Captain Britain. Using analysis cards, the graphic and narrative elements of the comics were identified and the reasons for its use were determined. In addition, interviews were conducted with specialists, a current Marvel artist and a university professor. A positive representation of the female body was found in four of the titles, although three were following Eurocentric beauty standards. The five comics in the sample feature racially diverse characters. However, their ethnicity is graphically ambiguous in two of them. Finally, in four of the titles the difficulties of the minorities represented are discussed in depth. Even though graphic and narrative tools of consistent use were identified, there are problems in their implementation. In addition, the relevance of the name change as a narrative tool in legacy heroes with shared titles was recognized. In conclusion, diversity needs to be graphically obvious so that it is not ignored, strengthening the messages of the narrative.
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