Bibliographic citations
Echevarria, C., Valecillos, H. (2020). Eficiencia comunicativa en la identidad visual y el diseño persuasivo de marcas peruanas de moda sostenible [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Echevarria, C., Valecillos, H. Eficiencia comunicativa en la identidad visual y el diseño persuasivo de marcas peruanas de moda sostenible [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Eficiencia comunicativa en la identidad visual y el diseño persuasivo de marcas peruanas de moda sostenible",
author = "Valecillos Villarreal, Hazael Ramón",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
This research aims to analyze the persuasive design criteria used by Peruvian sustainable fashion brands when creating their visual identity to communicate their sustainable values. Regarding the hypothesis, it was considered that persuasive design is used as the basis when creating the visual identity of sustainable fashion brands; since it eases the communication and reception of sustainable values. The research type is qualitative, since the data and elements to be analyzed on are graphic and not numerical. The content to be observed are those used by Peruvian sustainable fashion brands when creating their visual identity. This investigation has a descriptive scope since the purpose is to examine information with respect to a visual graph. The results demonstrate that the visual identity enables the brand to achieve an effective communication, and it is the elements that compose it that allow Peruvian sustainable fashion brands to achieve recognition between the users. Finally, although persuasive design is apt to communicate the sustainable values of sustainable fashion brands, it is not considered when creating a strategy and designing visual identity; however, if it is evidenced in the communication of sustainable values. This happens because brands choose to show themselves as a genuine brand to their consumers. Its objective is not to impose sustainability but to make the user aware of its existence, and that from the purchase they choose responsible fashion consumption.
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