Bibliographic citations
Reynoso, Y., Rosas, E. (2020). Propuesta de Solución Tecnológica para la Automatización del Proceso de Gestión Docente de una ONG [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Reynoso, Y., Rosas, E. Propuesta de Solución Tecnológica para la Automatización del Proceso de Gestión Docente de una ONG [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Propuesta de Solución Tecnológica para la Automatización del Proceso de Gestión Docente de una ONG",
author = "Rosas Diaz, Enrique",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
The aim of this thesis project is to design a technological solution proposal, which will automatize the Teaching Management process of an NGO engaged in training young people with limited resources so that they can be inserted into the formal labor market. The proposal focuses on improving the process efficiency, which leads to better decision-making in the pedagogical area, whose results are aligned with the strategic objectives of the organization. In the first chapter of the document a definition of the project is developed, which outlines significant information of the organization under study. In addition, the problem encountered in the organization is described and the project objectives are defined. The second chapter is based on the compliance of the Student Outcomes. In the third chapter, the theoretical foundations that support the project development are defined. The fourth chapter contains the project development, where first the business analysis is carried out with the support of the Zachman framework, then the current situation of the Teaching Management process and its AS IS modeling is described and, as a result of this analysis, a proposed solution is developed. For this purpose, the characteristics of the system and its benefits are described in greater detail, then the TO BE process modeling is presented. Then, the list of requirements and the system use cases are defined. Likewise, the design of the architecture that will support the structure of the system is shown, based on the selection of architectural drivers, design concepts, architectural styles and tactics. At the end of the chapter, the specifications of the system's use cases are described and the prototypes of the screens developed for each use case are presented. Finally, in the fifth chapter, project management is developed according to a predictive methodology, where the knowledge areas suggested by the PMBOK guide have been planned.
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