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Arriaga, R., Brito, A., De, A., Farroñay, J., Morales, L. (2020). Crematorio de Mascotas “Patitas del Recuerdo” [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Arriaga, R., Brito, A., De, A., Farroñay, J., Morales, L. Crematorio de Mascotas “Patitas del Recuerdo” [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Crematorio de Mascotas “Patitas del Recuerdo”",
author = "Morales Bocanegra, Liz Caroll",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
Title: Crematorio de Mascotas “Patitas del Recuerdo”
Authors(s): Arriaga Velasquez, Renzo Jonathan; Brito Angulo, Andrea Cristina; De La Cruz Vasquez, Angie Elizabeth; Farroñay Blanco, Jordany; Morales Bocanegra, Liz Caroll
Advisor(s): Morales Guzmán Barrón, Alex Nicolás
Keywords: Creación de empresas; Cremación; Mascotas; Business creation; Cremation; Pets
Issue Date: 17-Jan-2020
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: En la actualidad, las mascotas se han convertido en un integrante más de la familia y su muerte es dolorosa pero inevitable. Hay un incremento de familias que buscan perpetuar, a través de la cremación, el recuerdo de aquel ser que les brindo un amor incondicional. En Lima Metropolitana, aproximadamente el 60% de hogares (1.37 millones) tiene alguna mascota en casa, destacando los perros con un 74% y los gatos un 39%. Debido al crecimiento inmobiliario, estas familias y sus mascotas viven en departamentos o conjuntos habitacionales y no está permitido enterrar en los jardines a sus mascotas.
El objetivo de nuestro proyecto es crear un servicio integral de cremación de mascotas que brinde soporte logístico y emocional a las familias durante este proceso de despedida que es tan sensible para ellos. Este servicio integral incluye traslado de familiares desde sus domicilios hacia el velatorio y viceversa, un lugar confortable mientras esperan la urna con diseño personalizado con las cenizas de su mascota, certificado de cremación, grupos de apoyo y visitas a albergues.
Para la puesta en marcha del proyecto es necesaria una inversión inicial de S/ 253,741.00, con un financiamiento del 40% con préstamo bancario y un 60% con aporte de los accionistas, donde se estima que el periodo de recuperación de capital será de un año aproximadamente. Por lo que concluimos que, de acuerdo con el estudio realizado, el proyecto Patitas del Recuerdo es económicamente viable.
Currently, pets have become another member of the family and their death is painful but inevitable. There is an increase in families seeking to perpetuate through cremation, the memory of the being that gave them unconditional love. In Lima Metropolitana, approximately 60% of households (1.37 million) have some pets at home, dogs with 74% and cats 39%. Due to the growth of real estate, these families and their pets live in apartments or housing complexes and it is not allowed to bury their pets in the gardens. The goal of our project is to create a comprehensive pet cremation service that provides logistical and emotional support to families during this farewell process that is so sensitive to them. This comprehensive service includes moving family members from their homes to the wake and vice versa, a comfortable place while waiting for the custom-designed urn with their pet's ashes, cremation certificate, support groups and visits to pet shelter. For the start-up of the project, an initial investment of S / 253,741.00 is necessary, with a financing of 40% with bank loan and 60% with contribution from shareholders, where it is estimated that the capital recovery period will be one year approximately. Therefore, we conclude that, according to the study carried out, the Patitas del Recuerdo project is economically viable.
Currently, pets have become another member of the family and their death is painful but inevitable. There is an increase in families seeking to perpetuate through cremation, the memory of the being that gave them unconditional love. In Lima Metropolitana, approximately 60% of households (1.37 million) have some pets at home, dogs with 74% and cats 39%. Due to the growth of real estate, these families and their pets live in apartments or housing complexes and it is not allowed to bury their pets in the gardens. The goal of our project is to create a comprehensive pet cremation service that provides logistical and emotional support to families during this farewell process that is so sensitive to them. This comprehensive service includes moving family members from their homes to the wake and vice versa, a comfortable place while waiting for the custom-designed urn with their pet's ashes, cremation certificate, support groups and visits to pet shelter. For the start-up of the project, an initial investment of S / 253,741.00 is necessary, with a financing of 40% with bank loan and 60% with contribution from shareholders, where it is estimated that the capital recovery period will be one year approximately. Therefore, we conclude that, according to the study carried out, the Patitas del Recuerdo project is economically viable.
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Discipline: Administración de Empresas; Administración de Banca y Finanzas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE)
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración de Empresas; Bachiller en Administración de Banca y Finanzas
Register date: 2-Jun-2020
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