Bibliographic citations
Amaya, D., Anchiraico, M., Martin, S., Suárez, J. (2019). Plan de emprendimiento en base a bebidas energéticas con aminoácidos en la ciudad de Lima 2019 [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Amaya, D., Anchiraico, M., Martin, S., Suárez, J. Plan de emprendimiento en base a bebidas energéticas con aminoácidos en la ciudad de Lima 2019 [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "Plan de emprendimiento en base a bebidas energéticas con aminoácidos en la ciudad de Lima 2019",
author = "Suárez Cribillero, Jhanniré Zenaida",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
The purpose of this research work is to present the isotonic beverage business project with amino acids, whose name is "Aminorade". Currently, when we exercise, we lose electrolytes, but additionally we need to recover other additional components such as amino acids. However, in the market to which we are heading there is the absence of isotonic drinks that meet this additional characteristic. This is how "Aminorade" is considered as the only beverage in the market with amino acids to provide benefits such as increasing your physical and mental performance and avoiding the loss of muscle mass. The present work develops the work team, the process of ideation of our business idea, the mission and vision are set, the objectives are established, validations and experiments are carried out, as well as the strategic plan of our project. The company's value chain, processes, production planning, layout as well as the operating budget are established in the operations plan. In the human resources plan the organization chart of the project, the functions of the posts and the respective budget for that area are established. The corporate social responsibility plan analyzes the interest groups, the activities to be carried out and the respective budget. The marketing mix establishes the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and place) and also the respective budget for that area. Finally, the projected financial statements are established in the financial plan, as well as investment, financing and financial indicators.
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