Bibliographic citations
Sánchez, K., Quea, S. (2020). Método Ágil y Sostenible para implementar 6S en MYPES peruanas de confección textil [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Sánchez, K., Quea, S. Método Ágil y Sostenible para implementar 6S en MYPES peruanas de confección textil [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Método Ágil y Sostenible para implementar 6S en MYPES peruanas de confección textil",
author = "Quea Saravia, Sandra Camila",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
The problem described in this thesis is the high generation of waste in the process of making garments in Peruvian MYPES. The textile manufacturing sector generates 1.9% of total GDP and is responsible for 400,000 direct jobs and 2.8 million people indirectly. Considering the importance that this sector represents for the economic development of Peru, new models or methods that help to confront the problem of the high generation of waste presented by Peruvian MYPES are required. Therefore, a literature review was conducted to identify various models that provide a solution to the problem. Among them were studies where Value Stream Mapping, Lean manufacturing, REDUTEX, Linear programming is implemented. These models have provided improvements to the problem; however, they have not considered particular variables of the MYPES such as change management, economic, technological deficiencies and negative barriers in their implementation. This thesis proposes an agile and sustainable method that helps reduce production waste in textile MYPES. This method consists of 4 stages: create awareness and culture of NO waste, 6S implementation, maintain change and continuous improvement. Each stage consists of knowledge extracted from the literature review, which consists of the application of several tools together as change management, 6S and W-AMEF. The method was applied in a Peruvian made MYPE. This application had a duration of 3 months and the recorded results were a reduction of 52.13% in the generation of waste and 54.88% in the generation of unnecessary movements; also, labor productivity went from being 4.2 p / H to 4.8 poles per hour.
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