Bibliographic citations
Delgadillo, J., (2018). Propuesta de mejora para incrementar el nivel de servicio mediante la aplicación de herramientas Lean Service y BPM en una empresa comercializadora de repuestos mecánicos [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Delgadillo, J., Propuesta de mejora para incrementar el nivel de servicio mediante la aplicación de herramientas Lean Service y BPM en una empresa comercializadora de repuestos mecánicos [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2018.
title = "Propuesta de mejora para incrementar el nivel de servicio mediante la aplicación de herramientas Lean Service y BPM en una empresa comercializadora de repuestos mecánicos",
author = "Delgadillo Obregón, Josué Nieri",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2018"
Companies in the current market, such as families, grow as the years go by, where the market conjuncture takes advantage very well. However, with the globalization and growth of other companies, many of the family businesses decrease their growth rate, this does not have a good organization that allows a better administration of resources. This proposal includes improving the internal structure of the company, which is an importer of mechanical spare parts for the industrial and mining sectors. This improvement is based on the bibliographic compilation and review of case studies, mapping, statistical analysis and results analysis. An analysis is made of the current situation that the company went through, the process diagram, the analysis of the problem, the causes, the consequences and the economic impacts. Where a qualitative analysis has been carried out, the causes, the roots, and the quantitative analysis, through the statistical software MINITAB that corroborate the instability and the incapacity of the current processes of the company. What has been published in an effective way, as well as with the real data of the company, which contributed a lot to the analysis. Subsequently, improvements in processes such as standardizations and new structures of the areas in the company's value chain will be defined. This will be corroborated by means of the simulations of the new processes, which are compared with the current ones, resulting in the reduction of waiting times.
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