Bibliographic citations
Cardozo, A., Chavez, R., Porras, J., Tarazona, E. (2019). Plan de negocio sobre delivery de comida saludable a base de insumos orgánicos: Organik [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Cardozo, A., Chavez, R., Porras, J., Tarazona, E. Plan de negocio sobre delivery de comida saludable a base de insumos orgánicos: Organik [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "Plan de negocio sobre delivery de comida saludable a base de insumos orgánicos: Organik",
author = "Tarazona Suarez, Erika Edith",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
Nowadays, the Peruvian population has a greater tendency to consume healthier foods with a high nutritional value avoiding the consumption of instant food that are the main causes of various degenerative and cardiovascular diseases due to the high content of preservatives chemical additives. For this reason, there is a greater demand for organic products that can only be purchased at some weekend fairs, specialty stores and some shopping centers. Organik is a business project of healthy food based on organic foods and nutritional advice that is aimed at people who work in offices and reside in the district of San Isidro. The preparation of the meals is carried out in our premises located in the same district whose dishes comply with the necessary health controls and with high quality products. The business idea is aimed at people between 18 and 45 years of socioeconomic level A and B who have an accelerated level of life that does not allow them to prepare their meals due to lack of time. Therefore, consumers seek to improve their eating habits with a healthier lifestyle in order to find an innovative product and service. In addition, there already exist in the market diverse options of healthy foods like restaurants or delivery that offer products like salads, low fat food, etc. but none has a meal plan based on organic inputs supplemented with nutritional advice.
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