Bibliographic citations
Huanca, S., Rojas, A. (2019). Propuesta de mejora del diseño vial del óvalo La Curva de Chorrillos validado con el software Vissim 9.0. [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Huanca, S., Rojas, A. Propuesta de mejora del diseño vial del óvalo La Curva de Chorrillos validado con el software Vissim 9.0. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "Propuesta de mejora del diseño vial del óvalo La Curva de Chorrillos validado con el software Vissim 9.0.",
author = "Rojas Quispe, Angel Abel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
This thesis is based on the analysis of vehicle flow, present in the La Curva oval, located in the district of Chorrillos, Department of Lima-Peru. The project evaluates service conditions, oval design and vehicular traffic. This evaluation is done through a microscopic model that is simulated in Vissim 9.0 software. The construction of the model consists of 4 phases. The first one deals with the previous analysis, which ranges from data collection to cabinet processing. On the one hand, the geometric measurements were taken on a day with less vehicular volume. On the other hand, vehicular and pedestrian traffic was performed on a typical day. The second phase consists of the initial modeling, which seeks to transfer the current geometric design to the Vissim to proceed with the microsimulation. Likewise, multiple runs were performed until the model was optimized, after preheating and calibrating it. The third phase analyzes the proposed design based on vehicle efficiency parameters, such as travel time (delays), tail length and service level. The proposal seeks to optimize the traffic signaling system, currently existing and inoperative, and a change of level in one of the avenues that has the greatest amount of traffic flow. In the last phase, the aim is to evaluate and compare the results, both of the current situation and of the proposed alternative. Finally, the parameters that present improvements in their service will be decisive to reduce the problem of vehicular congestion.
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