Bibliographic citations
Reátegui, F., (2019). Desarrollo del módulo aplicado al control administrativo y financiero de proyectos de asistencia técnica del Estado Peruano [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Reátegui, F., Desarrollo del módulo aplicado al control administrativo y financiero de proyectos de asistencia técnica del Estado Peruano [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "Desarrollo del módulo aplicado al control administrativo y financiero de proyectos de asistencia técnica del Estado Peruano",
author = "Reátegui Aching, Franklin",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
The Multilateral organizations are entities that grant financing to public entities such as Reform Support Programs or State Technical Assistance Projects. These programs or projects of the State develop multiple activities for the strengthening of capacities, improvement of the infrastructure and technical assistance to multiple entities of the Public Sector. The foundation of the project is based on the lack of a computer tool that efficiently controls and manages the administrative and financial information of a technical assistance project, work currently developed in spreadsheets. Therefore, the proposed solution is to develop and implement a tool that facilitates the management of technical assistance projects and supports the operation of its processes. The module applied to the administrative and financial control of Projects to be implemented, known by its acronym MACA, is intended to be a computer application that manages and manages projects financed through cooperating sources such as the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, among others. The development of the computer project begins with the identification of the processes that involve the management of a technical assistance project of the State, as well as the identification of needs by the user area, transformed into system requirements and grouped into use cases. During the process of analysis, design and construction of the solution, the RUP methodology and the PMBOK project management guide have been used. The computer system will be initially implemented in the Technical Assistance Project "Improvement of Public Territorial Investment Management" (Territorial Project) and replicated to various projects of reform or technical assistance of the Public Sector.
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