Bibliographic citations
Córdova, G., Gómez, M., Fernández, K. (2018). Déficit de oferta de vivienda dirigida a personas de 21 a 40 años del NSE C adecuada a su capacidad de endeudamiento en la ciudad del Cusco – caso de estudio distrito de San Sebastián [Trabajo de Investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Córdova, G., Gómez, M., Fernández, K. Déficit de oferta de vivienda dirigida a personas de 21 a 40 años del NSE C adecuada a su capacidad de endeudamiento en la ciudad del Cusco – caso de estudio distrito de San Sebastián [Trabajo de Investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2018.
title = "Déficit de oferta de vivienda dirigida a personas de 21 a 40 años del NSE C adecuada a su capacidad de endeudamiento en la ciudad del Cusco – caso de estudio distrito de San Sebastián",
author = "Fernández Rozas, Kelvin Helder",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2018"
In Peru for the past 10 years and according to document “Mapa del Déficit Habitacional a Nivel Distrital, 2007” elaborated by Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática in partnership with Ministerio de Vivienda Construcción y Saneamiento, there is a housing deficit for Cusco of 88,718 apartments, making Cusco the number sixth after Lima, Piura, Cajamarca, Puno and La Libertad with an annual housing offer of 561 units of apartments, in the province of Cusco versus a demand of 23,209 apartments, this is a information that comes from the survey call in partnership with elaborated by Cámara Peruana de la Construcción, survey that was accomplish in 2012 and shows the housing offer in Cusco is way below of demand mainly in the socioeconomic level “C” (NSE C) which represents 31.2 % in urban population for Cusco. Based on this information our survey focuses in affordable housing offer which is intended for people between 21 and 40 years old that belong to social segment “C” for Cusco urban areas, the apartments are intended to be compact, well design and projected to expansion areas envisioning the future growth of Cusco so they will be at low cost and will fulfill the architectural standards like good distribution, lightning and innovative and functional design and proper management of project oriented to product which main characteristics is to be affordable for the social segment C considering the economic capacity of this group that was neglected for long time.
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