Bibliographic citations
Becerra, V., Gómez, J., Villamar, E. (2018). Propuesta de mejora del artículo 172° de la Ley 26702 para resolver la incertidumbre respecto de la vigencia de la denominada hipoteca “Sábana” [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Becerra, V., Gómez, J., Villamar, E. Propuesta de mejora del artículo 172° de la Ley 26702 para resolver la incertidumbre respecto de la vigencia de la denominada hipoteca “Sábana” [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2018.
title = "Propuesta de mejora del artículo 172° de la Ley 26702 para resolver la incertidumbre respecto de la vigencia de la denominada hipoteca “Sábana”",
author = "Villamar Pinto, Eduardo Misael",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2018"
According to information published by the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP in its Annual Report of 2016 (SBS: 2016), the balance of the credits of the financial system amounted to S / 271 672 000.00 corresponding to 40% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ) corresponding to the annual year, amount that derives from the activities developed by the 59 multiple service companies that operate in the National Financial System; whose credit portfolio was composed as follows: 64.9% went to finance business activities, 20.3% corresponded to the consumer segment and 14.8% to mortgage loans. A large part of the previous credit operations with a real guarantee, being the mortgage one of the most required for the security offered by its permanence and the possibility of using it in a broad manner, considering the custom of granting a general coverage destined to support the group of obligations contracted. However, several legislative amendments have been created by the current legislation on the contracting of "sheet" mortgages, which is traditionally accepted as it usually operates in other legal systems. This work is a strictly legal, based on bibliographic information, which analyzes the background of the mortgage guarantee, contrast its use with foreign legal systems and culminate in suggesting a legislative amendment that the criteria for the application of mortgage mortgage ", With some additions that would make its use safe, in the safeguard of the banking client.
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