Bibliographic citations
Arbulu, J., (2019). Diseño de una plataforma de virtualización de servidores para soportar las aplicaciones críticas de la ONP en la actualidad [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Arbulu, J., Diseño de una plataforma de virtualización de servidores para soportar las aplicaciones críticas de la ONP en la actualidad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "Diseño de una plataforma de virtualización de servidores para soportar las aplicaciones críticas de la ONP en la actualidad",
author = "Arbulu Anicama, Jose Martin",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
The theme that has been developed in this thesis work is related to the design of a server virtualization platform to support critical services and applications of an organization. This virtualization platform will be designed under the standards, recommendations and best practices of each of the manufacturers that make up the solution, as well as work methodologies that PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act). In the first chapter of this research project, we will talk about the objective organization that will benefit from the project, as well as the field of action in the target organization. Next, we will identify the problem, define the general objective and its respective specific objectives and indicators. To conclude with chapter 1, the proposal to be built in the project will be justified. In the second chapter, the theoretical framework will be presented, which will include all the theoretical information necessary and sufficient to support the development of the project. In the third chapter, the problem identified in the first chapter will be sustained through concrete data, which allow analyzing its scope, impact and causes. Then we will go through the identification and justification of the requirements. In the fourth chapter, the specifications of the solution design of the server virtualization platform will be elaborated. And finally, the results and validations will be shown, which will rigorously validate the fulfillment of the specific objectives according to the indicators of achievement and their metrics.
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