Bibliographic citations
Agreda, Y., Arias, J., Derteano, A., García, E., Idrogo, M. (2018). Análisis de viabilidad para la implementación de una plataforma tecnológica en el servicio de salud de la zona rural del distrito de Hualgayoc, departamento de Cajamarca [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Agreda, Y., Arias, J., Derteano, A., García, E., Idrogo, M. Análisis de viabilidad para la implementación de una plataforma tecnológica en el servicio de salud de la zona rural del distrito de Hualgayoc, departamento de Cajamarca [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2018.
title = "Análisis de viabilidad para la implementación de una plataforma tecnológica en el servicio de salud de la zona rural del distrito de Hualgayoc, departamento de Cajamarca",
author = "Idrogo Bautista, Manuel Arnulfo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2018"
The research entitled "FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORM IN THE HEALTH SERVICE OF THE RURAL AREA OF HUALGAYOC DISTRICT, DEPARTMENT OF CAJAMARCA" aims to improve the health services in the rural area of Hualgayoc district by doing the evaluation of the feasibility for a technological platform that integrates the Micro Health Network of Hualgayoc in order to contribute to the health of the rural population of the district, offering a specialized service in response to the increase in the mortality rate of its population. We address the study of the Public Health System and the problem of health coverage in rural areas, specifically in the district of Hualgayoc. We analyze the reality of telecommunications in rural areas, which has a direct influence on being able to bring the service to this area. The evaluation was carried out based on the "General Guide for the identification, formulation and social evaluation of public investment projects at the profile level" of the Ministry of Economy and Finances based in USAID, which was used to analyze the technological alternatives that could allow the communication between the 11 health posts. This work will help to improve health services in the district of Hualgayoc, and to show up the importance of the leadership that the District Municipality of Hualgayoc must exercise to obtain the financing of the project, encourage the execution and to sign the necessary agreements, in order to improve the health of the district.
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