Bibliographic citations
Sandoval, R., Serra, U. (2018). Factores claves que determinan la participación de las organizaciones privadas en proyectos del sector turismo en el Perú [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Sandoval, R., Serra, U. Factores claves que determinan la participación de las organizaciones privadas en proyectos del sector turismo en el Perú [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2018.
title = "Factores claves que determinan la participación de las organizaciones privadas en proyectos del sector turismo en el Perú",
author = "Serra Flores, Ursula Daniella",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2018"
Peru has been the country with less promotion to private investment and with less facilities to invest in the tourism sector, with problems ranging from bureaucratic barriers that threaten investments in this sector, acts of corruption, lack of integration and fluidity among the main actors of the state. The objective of this thesis project is to analyze from the points of view of the Private Sector Organizations what are the factors that influence the participation of Works of the Tourism sector that allow to value our Tourist and Cultural Heritage, and if the mechanism of Works by Tax driven by Mincetur allows creating a positive impact that dynamizes the local economy immediately contributing to improve the quality of the tourist destinations prioritized in the Mincetur portfolio. Likewise, identify the work of each of the actors involved, and how it affects the promotion and enhancement of our Tourist Attractions, as well as identifying the gaps and deficiencies found in the present investigation. In the first chapter of the theoretical framework, we will develop the necessary data to contextualize the research topic, exposing the most relevant concepts based on reliable sources that have served as the basis for our research. In the second chapter the methodology of the investigation was developed, we analyzed the samples taken and the questionnaires used for the interviews; this with the subsequent purpose of interpreting and analyzing the data obtained. In the third chapter, the data is analyzed and if they answer the research questions posed. Finally, chapter 4 explains the conclusive results of the investigation.
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