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Becerra, E., Cabanillas, R., Rivas, M., Torres, D. (2018). Comida Saludable para mascotas «WOF PET FOOD» [Trabajo de i nvestigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Becerra, E., Cabanillas, R., Rivas, M., Torres, D. Comida Saludable para mascotas «WOF PET FOOD» [Trabajo de i nvestigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2018.
title = "Comida Saludable para mascotas «WOF PET FOOD»",
author = "Torres Leon, David Alonso",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2018"
Title: Comida Saludable para mascotas «WOF PET FOOD»
Authors(s): Becerra Ramirez, Estefany Trinidad; Cabanillas Cárdenas, Ricardo William; Rivas Acuña, Mayra Alejandra; Torres Leon, David Alonso
Advisor(s): Rivera Peirano, Violeta Lidia
Keywords: Alimentos para mascotas; Planificación de la empresa; Planificación estratégica; Administración de Empresas
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 12-Dec-2018
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: En la actualidad distintas empresas se encuentran en la búsqueda de mejorar la calidad de sus productos y ofrecerle la seguridad a cada propietario que lo que su mascota está consumiendo no es peligroso para su salud.
Sin embargo, una dieta balanceada es un punto importante para la salud de los caninos. Existen pocas empresas, que han optado por crear una nueva forma de elaborar la comida para las mascotas, es decir, pasar del alimento procesado con químicos y conservantes, al alimento 100% natural.
Es por ello que nuestra propuesta está dirigida al propietario, elaborando distintas recetas con la finalidad de que cada una de ellas cumpla con los nutrientes y minerales que la mascota necesita. Todo esto, con profesionales y conocedores de la materia, se incluirá recetas hipoalergénicas con el fin de brindar un mejor producto y con la calidad garantizada para el cuidado de su mascota.
Para su alcance inicial, el producto será distribuido gracias a una alianza con diferentes veterinarias del país que se encuentren en puntos estratégicos. Esto con la finalidad que el propietario pueda comprar con confianza un alimento 100% natural. Se espera ampliar la distribución directamente al propietario, esto a través de una tienda física y virtual, donde pueda realizar su pedido según lo que necesita su mascota. Debemos indicar que la elaboración del producto será tercerizada, todo ello con un excelente control de calidad, para asegurar la satisfacción del cliente y la aceptación del producto por la mascota.
Currently, different companies are looking to improve the quality of their products and guarantee each owner that what their pet is consuming is not dangerous to their health. However, a balanced diet is an important aspect in maintaining the health of canines. There are few companies that have chosen to create a new way of preparing food for pets, that is, to move from food processed with chemicals and preservatives to 100% natural food. Because of this, our proposal is addressed to the owner, preparing different recipes so that each one of them contains the nutrients and minerals that the pet needs. All this, with professionals and subject matter experts, will include hypoallergenic recipes in order to provide a better product with the guaranteed quality for the care of your pet. For its initial scope, the product will be distributed thanks to a partnership with different veterinarians across the country located in strategic points. This has the purpose of enabling the owner to buy 100% natural food with total confidence. It is expected to expand the distribution to a direct to consumer channel, through a physical and virtual store, where you can place your order according to what your pet needs. We must mention that the manufacturing of the product will be outsourced, all with excellent quality control, to ensure customer satisfaction and acceptance of the product by the pet.
Currently, different companies are looking to improve the quality of their products and guarantee each owner that what their pet is consuming is not dangerous to their health. However, a balanced diet is an important aspect in maintaining the health of canines. There are few companies that have chosen to create a new way of preparing food for pets, that is, to move from food processed with chemicals and preservatives to 100% natural food. Because of this, our proposal is addressed to the owner, preparing different recipes so that each one of them contains the nutrients and minerals that the pet needs. All this, with professionals and subject matter experts, will include hypoallergenic recipes in order to provide a better product with the guaranteed quality for the care of your pet. For its initial scope, the product will be distributed thanks to a partnership with different veterinarians across the country located in strategic points. This has the purpose of enabling the owner to buy 100% natural food with total confidence. It is expected to expand the distribution to a direct to consumer channel, through a physical and virtual store, where you can place your order according to what your pet needs. We must mention that the manufacturing of the product will be outsourced, all with excellent quality control, to ensure customer satisfaction and acceptance of the product by the pet.
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Discipline: Administración de Empresas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE)
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración de Empresas
Register date: 27-Mar-2019
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