Bibliographic citations
Flores, J., (2016). Desarrollo de posverdad a través de twitter: Fujimorismo y anti fujimorismo durante las elecciones presidenciales del Perú en el 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Flores, J., Desarrollo de posverdad a través de twitter: Fujimorismo y anti fujimorismo durante las elecciones presidenciales del Perú en el 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2016.
title = "Desarrollo de posverdad a través de twitter: Fujimorismo y anti fujimorismo durante las elecciones presidenciales del Perú en el 2016",
author = "Flores Silva, Javier",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2016"
At the end of 2016, the neologism "post-truth" acquired the importance of being "word of the year" by the Oxford dictionary. Immediately, he was the subject of several studies, not only for its significance, but also for the events that marked his nomination: the Brexit, in the United Kingdom, and the victory of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, in the presidential elections of the United States. The term "post-truth" refers to a fact that is apparently questionable, debatable, and that is transformed into a negative or positive affirmation. It appeared in 1992, from that moment, it was fed by political and social contexts to arrive at the meaning that it maintains. In Peru, there are not many studies on post-truth and its social and political consequences. Therefore, this research focused on analyzing how this phenomenon has developed in the political sphere during the period of the Presidential Elections of Peru in 2016, through social networks, in this case, Twitter. This analysis has allowed us to understand what has been the evolution of the political discourse used in the manipulation of the masses; Also, citizens participate in its development. In addition, the analysis carried out means the action of the post-truth phenomenon, as Jordi Ibáñez (2017) would say, is also an attack against the freedom of the people.
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