Bibliographic citations
Sarmiento, F., (2018). Relación entre solución de problemas, estilo atribucional y afecto en universitarios de Huancayo [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Sarmiento, F., Relación entre solución de problemas, estilo atribucional y afecto en universitarios de Huancayo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2018.
title = "Relación entre solución de problemas, estilo atribucional y afecto en universitarios de Huancayo",
author = "Sarmiento Chia, Fritz Edward",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2018"
The main objective of this study is research the relationship of social problem-solving style (rational, impulsivity-carelessness and avoidance), the attributional style (optimistic and pessimistic) and affect (positive and negative) on a sample of 164 medicine undergraduate college students of a public university on Huancayo-Perú. The three instruments were used in peru, the Social Problem-Solving Inventory Revised Short Form (SPSI – R SF, Merino, 2012), the Attribution Style Questionnaire (ASQ CIDE-PERÚ, Vicuña, 2000) and the positive-negative affect scale (SPANAS, Gargurevich & Matos, 2010). The SPSI – R SF have to be modified in less factors than original test (from 4 to 5) because some items didn’t have good factorial loads. The scale of Positive Problem Orientation got merge with the Rational Problem-Solving Style scale and some items were reassigned to other scales. The study found that there is significant positive correlation of impulsivity and avoidance problem solving style and negative affect. It was also found, sorting cases by attributional style shows differences in negative affect, negative problem orientation and impulsivity-carelessness style. Likewise, Positive and rational problem-solving style got a negative significant relationship with negative affect and a positive relationship with positive affect. Additionally, it was found that attributional style moderated the relationship between impulsivity problem solving style and negative affect.
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