Bibliographic citations
Seminario, S., (2017). Clima laboral y compromiso organizacional en vendedores de una empresa de tipo retail de Lima Metropolitana [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Seminario, S., Clima laboral y compromiso organizacional en vendedores de una empresa de tipo retail de Lima Metropolitana [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2017.
title = "Clima laboral y compromiso organizacional en vendedores de una empresa de tipo retail de Lima Metropolitana",
author = "Seminario Vigil, Sonia Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2017"
This descriptive – correlational study aims to evaluate the relationship between working environment and organizational commitment in a retail company in Lima, from a representative sample of 111 sellers. The sample was composed of 54.10% men and 45.9% of women. The average age of the sample is 24.39 years. The instruments used in this research are the scale of commitment to Meyer and Allen (1997) adapted and validated in Spanish by Arciniega and González (2006) and validated in Lima by Montoya (2014); and organizational climate questionnaire of Litwin and Stringer, validated by Vicuña in Lima (2006). The results confirm the hypothesis, exist a direct and significant relationship between work environment and organizational commitment. As for the specific objectives, it demonstrated that there is a direct and significant relationship between affective commitment and working environment; however, are weak correlations between working environment and normative commitment; and between working environment and continuous commitment. Finally, the kind of commitment that prevails in the sample is affective commitment; and according to the diagnostic categories of organizational climate questionnaire of Litwin and Stringer, participants perceive an organizational climate of "positive trend".
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