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Olivas, E., (2025). Asociación entre sueño insuficiente e ideación suicida en adultos [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Olivas, E., Asociación entre sueño insuficiente e ideación suicida en adultos [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2025.
title = "Asociación entre sueño insuficiente e ideación suicida en adultos",
author = "Olivas Noriega, Edgar Brian",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2025"
Title: Asociación entre sueño insuficiente e ideación suicida en adultos
Authors(s): Olivas Noriega, Edgar Brian
Advisor(s): Lozano Ybañez, Rosa Angela
Keywords: Sueño insuficiente; ideación suicida; adultos
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2025
Institution: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Abstract: OBJETIVO: Determinar la asociación entre el sueño insuficiente y la ideación
suicida en adultos que acompañan a sus familiares durante su atención por el
consultorio de medicina interna del Hospital La Caleta de Chimbote.
MÉTODO: Este trabajo de investigación se justifica en los conceptos de ser
Transversal - Analítico, que recolectara los potenciales factores de riesgo y el
resultado de interés, simultáneamente, en una población definida. En esta
oportunidad siendo el sueño insuficiente y la ideación suicida en una población
de adultos que acompañan a sus familiares que son atendidos por el servicio de
Medicina Interna, luego se contrasta con la frecuencia del resultado entre
quienes están expuestos a cada factor de riesgo y quienes no lo están.
RESULTADOS: Se determino que, de los 197 participantes estudiados, la
prevalencia de los que manifiestan sueño insuficiente representa el 51.78% y el
14.21% presentan ideación suicida. Por otro lado, al realizar un modelo de
regresión logística ajustado indica que las personas con sueño insuficiente
tienen casi cuatro veces más probabilidades de tener ideación suicida (OR
ajustado = 3.96, IC DEL 95% [1.41-11.13], p< 0.000). A medida que aumenta la
gravedad de la insuficiencia del sueño reflejado en el aumento del puntaje PSQI,
los participantes que, según el cuestionario, merecen atención y tratamiento
médico tienen mayor probabilidad de tener ideación suicida (OR ajustado = 4.30,
IC DEL 95% [1.48-12.44], p< 0.000), y aquellos con un problema del sueño
grave, tienen la mayor probabilidad de ideación suicida (OR ajustado = 17.77, IC
DEL 95% [2.12-147.89], p< 0.000).
CONCLUSION: Este estudio demostró una asociación inversa entre el sueño
insuficiente y la ideación suicida en adultos
OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between insufficient sleep and suicidal ideation in adults who accompany their relatives during their care in the internal medicine office of La Caleta Hospital in Chimbote. METHOD: This research work is justified by the concepts of being Cross Sectional - Analytical, which will collect potential risk factors and the outcome of interest simultaneously in a defined population. In this case, it involves insufficient sleep and suicidal ideation in a population of adults who accompany their relatives who are treated by the Internal Medicine service. The results are then contrasted with the frequency of the outcome among those exposed to each risk factor and those who are not. RESULTS: It was determined that, among the 197 participants studied, the prevalence of those who reported insufficient sleep was 51.78%, and 14.21% presented suicidal ideation. Furthermore, an adjusted logistic regression model indicates that individuals with insufficient sleep are nearly four times more likely to have suicidal ideation (adjusted OR = 3.96, 95% CI [1.41-11.13], p < 0.000). As the severity of sleep insufficiency increases, as reflected by higher PSQI scores, participants who, according to the questionnaire, warrant medical attention and treatment are more likely to experience suicidal ideation (adjusted OR = 4.30, 95% CI [1.48-12.44], p< 0.000). Moreover, those with severe sleep problems have the highest probability of suicidal ideation (adjusted OR = 17.77, 95% CI [2.12-147.89], p< 0.000). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated an inverse association between insufficient sleep and suicidal ideation in adults
OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between insufficient sleep and suicidal ideation in adults who accompany their relatives during their care in the internal medicine office of La Caleta Hospital in Chimbote. METHOD: This research work is justified by the concepts of being Cross Sectional - Analytical, which will collect potential risk factors and the outcome of interest simultaneously in a defined population. In this case, it involves insufficient sleep and suicidal ideation in a population of adults who accompany their relatives who are treated by the Internal Medicine service. The results are then contrasted with the frequency of the outcome among those exposed to each risk factor and those who are not. RESULTS: It was determined that, among the 197 participants studied, the prevalence of those who reported insufficient sleep was 51.78%, and 14.21% presented suicidal ideation. Furthermore, an adjusted logistic regression model indicates that individuals with insufficient sleep are nearly four times more likely to have suicidal ideation (adjusted OR = 3.96, 95% CI [1.41-11.13], p < 0.000). As the severity of sleep insufficiency increases, as reflected by higher PSQI scores, participants who, according to the questionnaire, warrant medical attention and treatment are more likely to experience suicidal ideation (adjusted OR = 4.30, 95% CI [1.48-12.44], p< 0.000). Moreover, those with severe sleep problems have the highest probability of suicidal ideation (adjusted OR = 17.77, 95% CI [2.12-147.89], p< 0.000). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated an inverse association between insufficient sleep and suicidal ideation in adults
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Discipline: Medicina Humana
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Medicina Humana
Grade or title: Médico Cirujano
Juror: Serrano García, Marco Orlando; Moya Vega, Víctor Raúl; Egúsquiza Gorritti, Luis Carlos
Register date: 31-Jan-2025
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