Bibliographic citations
Lozano, M., (2010). Evaluación preoperatoria del grado de dificultad quirúrgica para la exodoncia del tercer molar [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Lozano, M., Evaluación preoperatoria del grado de dificultad quirúrgica para la exodoncia del tercer molar [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2010.
title = "Evaluación preoperatoria del grado de dificultad quirúrgica para la exodoncia del tercer molar",
author = "Lozano Coquinche, Max Jorge",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2010"
This study was conducted in the dental clinic in dental school UNAP, 2010. Objective: To determine preoperatively the degree of difficulty for the surgical extraction of mandibular third molar included. Materials and Methods: The study was descriptive, retrospective, transversal. 72 were evaluated panoramic radiographs by a total of 123 third molar; in the preoperative evaluation we took two índices to determine the degree of difficulty: the Pederson index and the index of Romero Ruiz. Dates was taken to the registration of medical records and radiographs . The parameters taken were: space, depth, spatial relationships, size of the follicle, bone and mucosal integrity and shape of roots. We calculated absolute and relative frequencies. Results: We found a higher frequency ofspace from class II (65%) and class III (29.3%). Frequency ofdeep level B (41%) and Level A (39%). The frequency ofthe spatial relationship, mesioangular (47.2%), Vertical (29.3%), Horizontal/ Traversa! (14.6%), Distoangular (8.9%). We found a higher frequency of follicle size 0-lmm with 65%. The frequency of bone and mucosal integrity is 42.3% covered by mucosa and partly by bone, 22% partially covered by bone and mucosa and 22% completely covered by mucosa but not bone. The shape of the root with more than 2 1 3 of the root separately 72.4% and over 2 1 3 27.6% fused. The frequency of surgical difficulty level through the Pederson index is 74.8% with moderate difficulty, 14.6% with hard difficulty and 10.6% with little difficult. The frequency of surgical difficulty level through Ruiz Romero rate is 84.6% with Hard difficulty, 13.0% with Very Hard difficulty and 2.4% with little difficulty. Conclusions: Preoperative evaluation of difficulty of third molar surgery is essential for proper planning of the surgical procedure and standardization of protocols, thus reducing operative time and reducing intra and postoperative complications. All this together brings us successful surgical treatment.
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