Bibliographic citations
Ramirez, J., (2020). Dosis de ceniza y distanciamientos de siembra y su efecto en las características agronómicas y rendimiento de la Canavalia ensiformis L. "canavalia" en Zungarococha, Perú - 2019 [Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Ramirez, J., Dosis de ceniza y distanciamientos de siembra y su efecto en las características agronómicas y rendimiento de la Canavalia ensiformis L. "canavalia" en Zungarococha, Perú - 2019 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2020.
title = "Dosis de ceniza y distanciamientos de siembra y su efecto en las características agronómicas y rendimiento de la Canavalia ensiformis L. "canavalia" en Zungarococha, Perú - 2019",
author = "Ramirez Murayari, Julia Rosa",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2020"
This research work was carried out in the environments of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon, located 10 km from the City of Iquitos. The research work is entitled: Dose of ash and planting spacings and its effect on the agronomic characteristics and yield of Canavalia ensiformis l. “Canavalia” in Zungarococha, Peru - 2019. Two doses of ash and two planting spacings were used, the evaluations were carried out at the tenth week of planting. Sem used a randomized complete block design (D.B.C.A) with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement with four replications in an experimental unit of area of 6 m2 and 310.6 m2 of total area. Reaching the following results: In the agronomic characteristics, the T4 treatment (600 kg of ash / ha + 1.0 m x 0.5 m). The highest plant height was achieved with an average of 0.8 m in ash dose and in planting spacing of 0.75 m. In the agronomic characteristics, the T3 treatment (600 kg of ash / ha + 0.5 m x 0.5 m). Greater green plant matter was achieved with an average of 1.66 kg / m2 in ash dose and in planting spacing of 1.63 kg / m2. In the agronomic characteristics, the T3 treatment (600 kg of ash / ha + 0.5 mx 0.5 m). Greater plant dry matter was achieved with an average of 0.34 kg / m2 in ash dose and in planting distance of 0.64 kg / m2. In the agronomic characteristics, the T3 treatment (600 kg of ash / ha + 0.5 mx 0.5 m) . A higher percentage of plant coverage was achieved with an average of 88.24% in ash dose and in planting spacing of 87.61%. In the agronomic characteristics, the T3 treatment (600 kg of ash / ha + 0.5 m x 0.5 m).
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