Citas bibligráficas
Bedón, R., Sologuren, R. (2016). Perfil facial de pobladores peruanos del centro poblado Quistococha mediante el análisis estético facial de Arnett y Bergman, 2015 [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana].
Bedón, R., Sologuren, R. Perfil facial de pobladores peruanos del centro poblado Quistococha mediante el análisis estético facial de Arnett y Bergman, 2015 [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana; 2016.
title = "Perfil facial de pobladores peruanos del centro poblado Quistococha mediante el análisis estético facial de Arnett y Bergman, 2015",
author = "Sologuren Anchante, Rafael Fernando",
publisher = "Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2016"
The study aimed to determine the difference between the values of the facial profile of the town center Quistococha people and those proposed by the facial aesthetic analysis of Arnett and Bergman values. The research was quantitative and methodological design was not experimental, descriptive comparative. The sample consisted of 70 subjects, the instrument used was: the tab for facial aesthetic analysis of Arnett and Bergman. Student's t-test was used. The results obtained were the mean angle profile was 169.40+ 6.21; the nasolabial angle was 91.30 + 10.08; orbital rim angle was 6.36 + 1.06; the genial outline below the outer edge of the eye was 41.46 + 4.57 and genial contour ahead of the outer edge of the eye was 12.16 + 3.68; subnasal of line and pogonion (upper lip) was 4.89 + 1.97; subnasal of line and pogonion (lower lip) was 4.46 + 1.97; nasal projection was 13.67 + 1.96. There is no significant difference between the angle profile found by Arnett and Bergman and found in this population (p = 0.5896). There is no significant difference between the nasolabial angle found by Arnett and Bergman and found in this population (p = 0.0547). There is significant difference between the orbital rim found by Arnett and Bergman and found in this population (p = 3.36 x 10-33). There is significant difference between the genial outline below the outer edge of the eye found by Arnett and Bergman and found in this population (p = 2.99 x 10-49). There is significant difference between the contour genial before the outer edge of the eye found by Arnett and Bergman and found in this population (p = 1.26 x 10-11). There is significant difference between the line and pogonion subnasal (upper lip) found by Arnett and Bergman and found in this population (p = 6.19 x 10-5). There is significant difference between the line and pogonion subnasal (lower lip) found by Arnett and Bergman and found in this population (p = 2 x 10-9). There is significant difference between the nasal prong and Arnett found by Bergman and found in this population (p = 6.97 x 10-21).
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