Bibliographic citations
Cárdenas, T., Fernández, J. (2018). Actividad toxicológica de pomada Dermoimet en ratas albinas Cepa Holtzman, según modelo de irritación y toxicidad aguda cutánea – Iquitos 2017 [Tesis, Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana].
Cárdenas, T., Fernández, J. Actividad toxicológica de pomada Dermoimet en ratas albinas Cepa Holtzman, según modelo de irritación y toxicidad aguda cutánea – Iquitos 2017 [Tesis]. : Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana; 2018.
title = "Actividad toxicológica de pomada Dermoimet en ratas albinas Cepa Holtzman, según modelo de irritación y toxicidad aguda cutánea – Iquitos 2017",
author = "Fernández Rucoba, Jorge Christian",
publisher = "Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2018"
The toxicological activity of "Dermoimet" ointment was determined in vivo by the Draize test in albino rats Holtzman strain with a weight of 200 to 250 gr. There were two experimental groups, one to determine the potential of acute skin irritation (OECD 404), where the Dermoimet ointment was applied on the skin, with a single administration, and was observed at 24h, 48h and 72h. Then, to determine the potential of acute cutaneous toxicity (OECD 427), the Dermoimet ointment was administered topically only once and the treated area was observed for 14 consecutive days; as a positive control the cream was used. Procicar (zinc oxide, calamine), no treatment was administered to the negative control group, however, the placebo group was applied base cream (beeswax) and the group sample problem, Dermoimet ointment. During the evaluation, the different skin lesions were classified and analyzed by using the Draize Test scale for 1, 2 and 3 days; and for 14 days, respectively. At the end of each test, the rats were sacrificed by cervical dislocation, for the histopathological study of the skin samples collected. In the macroscopic examination after applying the Dermoimet ointment, there were no signs or symptoms of irritation and acute skin toxicity (OECD 404 and OECD 427 respectively). A 0.20 index of primary irritation and 0.05 for acute skin toxicity were obtained, both results are considered insignificant, and therefore they are within the limits allowed for this type of study. At microscopic examination histopathology revealed mild hyperkeratosis in all rats treated with the Dermoimet ointment.
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