Bibliographic citations
Cachi, S., Gongora, R. (2021). Caracterización fisicoquímica y cromatografía del aceite esencial de hojas de Tagetes erecta L. [Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Cachi, S., Gongora, R. Caracterización fisicoquímica y cromatografía del aceite esencial de hojas de Tagetes erecta L. []. PE: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2021.
title = "Caracterización fisicoquímica y cromatografía del aceite esencial de hojas de Tagetes erecta L.",
author = "Gongora Flores, Rafael",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2021"
Tagetes erecta L. A plant species of the Amazon forest and understory whose flowers contain carotenoids that are used to give color to the meat and eggs of poultry, however, the leaves that contain essential oil have not been studied, the purpose of this The work was to isolate and characterize the essential oil from the leaves of T. erecta collected in the community of Zungarococha, San Juan Bautista, Maynas, Loreto. The extraction of the essential oil was using solvents. The physicochemical characterization was carried out by determining the physicochemical parameters and the number of components by chromatographic analysis with mass spectrometry. The physicochemical tests resulted in the following: density 0.8132 g/cm3, Refractive Index 1.468 and the positive color test. 22 compounds were determined, the majority being: Piperitone 28.98%, D-limonene 13.79%, β-Linalool 8.95%, β-cis-Ocimeno 6.03%, Terpinolene 5.42%, β-Phenylethyl acetate 3.94%, β-Caryophyllene 3.11%, α-pinene 2.79% and Sabinene 2.01%. The essential oil of T. erecta Linn from the Loreto region, because it contains 28.98% of Piperitone, which is not present in any of the species of the genus Tagetes, constitutes a new Chemotype.
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