Bibliographic citations
Yarlequé, R., Castro, D. (2018). Atención oportuna y satisfacción de los usuarios de la plataforma de seguros de Essalud Loreto: Iquitos 2017 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Yarlequé, R., Castro, D. Atención oportuna y satisfacción de los usuarios de la plataforma de seguros de Essalud Loreto: Iquitos 2017 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2018.
title = "Atención oportuna y satisfacción de los usuarios de la plataforma de seguros de Essalud Loreto: Iquitos 2017",
author = "Castro Mendoza, Doris Judith",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2018"
The main objective of the study was to determine the relationship between timely care and the satisfaction of users of the EsSalud Loreto Insurance Platform: Iquitos 2017; due to the problems found in said institution, in this way we have opted for a non-experimental type of research, with descriptive-correlational, since that was the purpose of the investigation; while a sample of 382 users was taken from a population of 81,687 people, users who were surveyed through a questionnaire of questions, an instrument that was used to evaluate each of the variables under study; which led finally to the following conclusions: It was determined that the care in the institution is regularly timely, because there are certain deficiencies that prevent providing a better service. After analyzing and interpreting the results, it was determined that there is a low level of user satisfaction, due to a series of shortcomings that the institution has, among which the inadequate attention of the staff, the poor conditions of the facilities and infrastructure and finally the service. Finally, it has been determined that the timely attention is significantly related to the satisfaction of the users of the EsSalud Loreto Insurance Platform: Iquitos 2017, being this corroborated with the correlation coefficient, an index of 0.846 was extracted from it.
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