Bibliographic citations
Díaz, R., Fernández, B. (2015). Factores asociados a la comprensión lectora en estudiantes del 3er grado de primaria en tres instituciones educativas, distrito de Punchana - 2014 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana].
Díaz, R., Fernández, B. Factores asociados a la comprensión lectora en estudiantes del 3er grado de primaria en tres instituciones educativas, distrito de Punchana - 2014 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana; 2015.
title = "Factores asociados a la comprensión lectora en estudiantes del 3er grado de primaria en tres instituciones educativas, distrito de Punchana - 2014",
author = "Fernández Orbe, Belkis Sulay",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana",
year = "2015"
The present study was aimed at solving the following research question: What factors are associated with reading comprehension in students of 3rd. Primary degree in three educational institutions Punchana District - 2014? The aim of research was: to identify factors associated with reading comprehension in students of 3rd. Primary degree in three educational institutions Punchana District - 2014. The research was not experimental and correlational and cross-sectional design was used. The population consisted of all students and parents of 3rd Grade Primary Education School "The Immaculate", "Antonio Raimondi" and "Aladino Vásquez" district Punchana enrolled in the 2014 school year. The sample was represented by 173 students and 173 parents, selected by proportional allocation stratified sampling and simple random. For the analysis of results summary measures (frequencies and percentages). A questionnaire and a registration form for Achievement in Reading Comprehension of the child and the child was given , according to the Census Evaluation School 2013. The inferential analysis carried out by the non-parametric test Free Chi-square distribution with significance level of α 0.05 and degree of freedom 4 Results: X2t = 9,488 < X2c = 166.5767, (p <0.05), leads to the conclusion that "The level of motivation for reading is a factor significantly associated to the level of reading comprehension in students of 3rd. Degree of Primary Educational Institutions: “La Inmaculada”, “Antonio Raymondi” and “Aladino Vasquez”, Punchana District - 2014 ", so that the validity of the hypothesis test specific research 1. The inferential analysis carried out by the non-parametric test Free Chi-square distribution with significance level of α 0.05 and degree of freedom 4 Results: X2t = 9,488 < X2c = 182.7679, (p <0.05), leads to the conclusion that "The level of use of cognitive and metacognitive reading strategies is a factor significantly associated with the level of reading comprehension in students of 3rd. Grade of Educational Institutions: “La Inmaculada”, “Antonio Raymondi” and “Aladino Vasquez”, Punchana District - 2014 ", confirming the validity of the specific research hypotheses 2. The inferential analysis carried out by the non-parametric test Free Chi-square distribution with significance level of α 0.05 and degree of freedom 4 Results: X2t = 9,488 < X2c = 149 054 (p <0.05), leads to the conclusion that "The level of implementation of a plan in the institution reader is a factor significantly associated with the level of Reading comprehension in students of 3rd. Degree of Primary Educational Institutions: “La Inmaculada”, “Antonio Raymondi” and “Aladino Vasquez”, Punchana District - 2014 ", confirming the validity of the specific research hypotheses 3. The inferential analysis by non-parametric test Free Chi-square distribution with significance level of α 0.05 and degree of freedom 4 Results: X2t = 9,488 < X2c = 66.7476 (p <0.05), leads to the conclusion that "The level of support from parents to their children's learning is a factor significantly associated with the level of reading comprehension of students in the 3rd. Degree of Primary Educational Institutions: “La Inmaculada”, “Antonio Raymondi” and “Aladino Vasquez2, Punchana District - 2014 ", confirming the validity of the specific research hypothesis 4.
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