Bibliographic citations
Agustín, J., Trigozo, I. (2016). Características del estado nutricional de los pacientes con VIH en T.A.R.G.A. del hospital apoyo Iquitos “Cesar Garayar García” - 2016 [Tesis, Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana].
Agustín, J., Trigozo, I. Características del estado nutricional de los pacientes con VIH en T.A.R.G.A. del hospital apoyo Iquitos “Cesar Garayar García” - 2016 [Tesis]. : Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana; 2016.
title = "Características del estado nutricional de los pacientes con VIH en T.A.R.G.A. del hospital apoyo Iquitos “Cesar Garayar García” - 2016",
author = "Trigozo Rengifo, Ingrid Keith",
publisher = "Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2016"
The present project was developed with the objective of determining the effect of the Clinical and Socioeconomic characteristics on the Nutritional status of patients infected with HIV receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) at the Hospital Support Iquitos "Cesar Garayar García", 2016. The research was non-experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional and correlative. The sample consisted of 263 HAART patients. For data collection, the following instruments were used: TARGA file, Clinical History, Nutritional History, applying Body Mass Index (BMI). The results were: Demographic characteristics; Age: 191 young adults, 53 intermediate adults, 15 seniors, 4 adolescents; Sex: 177 males, 86 females; Place of origin: 202 Urban, 61 Rural; Educational level: 141 secondary, 90 primary, 23 higher technical, 5 did not have study, 4 superior university; Marital status: 160 unmarried, 80 cohabiting, 23 married; Labor occupation: 145 service workers / salespeople, 58 housewives, students and those without employment, 20 professionals, technical or intellectual, 17 drivers or assemblers, 13 construction workers or electricians, 10 farmers, agricultural or forestry workers ; Economic income: 153 minimum, 106 basic, 4 superior. Clinical characteristics: 174 had PLWHA, 81 PLWHA plus infectious disease, 8 PLWHA plus degenerative disease. Nutritional status: 169 normal, 60 have thinness, 29 overweight, 5 obese. In order to establish the degree of association between variables, the results were submitted to the Pearson correlation statistical test, which determined that there is significant statistical evidence to affirm that if there is a correlation between the variable Nutritional Status and the variables, Socioeconomic Characteristics: X2 = 41.391 and p-value = 0.000), Occupation (X2 = 34.459 and p-value = 0.003), Economic income (X2 = 60.834 and p- value = 0.000) Value = 0.00) with a significance level of 5%.
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