Bibliographic citations
Villacorta, J., Villacorta, V., Ruíz, Y. (2018). Conocimiento relacionado al uso y mantenimiento de letrinas en pobladores adultos del asentamiento humano el Porvenir Pampachica, Iquitos - 2017 [Tesis, Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana].
Villacorta, J., Villacorta, V., Ruíz, Y. Conocimiento relacionado al uso y mantenimiento de letrinas en pobladores adultos del asentamiento humano el Porvenir Pampachica, Iquitos - 2017 [Tesis]. : Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana; 2018.
title = "Conocimiento relacionado al uso y mantenimiento de letrinas en pobladores adultos del asentamiento humano el Porvenir Pampachica, Iquitos - 2017",
author = "Ruíz Sanjinez, Yesenia Yoleysi",
publisher = "Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2018"
The objective was to determine the relationship that exists between knowledge with the use and maintenance of latrines in adult settlers of the Asentamiento Humano El Porvenir Pampachica. Iquitos - 2017. The method used was the quantitative and the non-experimental design of correlational and transversal type. The population was 100 adults from 18 to 50 years of age who had houses with latrines, a sample was made up of 100% of the population assigned by non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. The techniques were the interview and the home visit. The instruments were Questionnaire on the use and maintenance of latrines (Validity = 90.97% and Reliability = 89.0%), and Observation Guide for the use and maintenance of latrines (Validity = 90.27% and Reliability 88.3%). The data was analyzed with the SPSS 22.0 program. The inferential statistical test was the Contingency Coefficient (CC), with α = 0.05 and 95% confidence level. Results: Of 100.0% (100) adults: In knowledge about use and maintenance of latrines: 80.0% (80) had low knowledge, 12% medium knowledge and 8% high knowledge. In use and maintenance of latrines: 93.0% inadequate and 7.0% adequate. Conclusion: Statistical association was found for Contingency Coefficient (CC) = 0.471, and p = 0.000> α = 0.05, the research hypothesis is accepted: There is a statistically significant relationship between knowledge about the use and maintenance of latrines with the use and maintenance of latrine in adults from 18 to 50 years of age of the Asentamiento Humano el Porvenir Pampachica of the city of Iquitos.
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