Bibliographic citations
Pereyra, M., (2019). Nivel de calidad del suelo en relación a la diversidad poblacional de macrofauna edáfica en las parcelas I-III-V del Arboretum “El Huayo”, en Puerto Almendra, Loreto-Perú, 2018 [Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Pereyra, M., Nivel de calidad del suelo en relación a la diversidad poblacional de macrofauna edáfica en las parcelas I-III-V del Arboretum “El Huayo”, en Puerto Almendra, Loreto-Perú, 2018 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2019.
title = "Nivel de calidad del suelo en relación a la diversidad poblacional de macrofauna edáfica en las parcelas I-III-V del Arboretum “El Huayo”, en Puerto Almendra, Loreto-Perú, 2018",
author = "Pereyra Trigoso, Michel Rider",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2019"
In the present study we have identified, quantified and classified by their activities functional to the population of the edaphic macro fauna in plots I-III-V of the Arboretum "El Huayo" of the Center for Forestry Research and Teaching Puerto Almendras of the Faculty of Forest Sciences of the UNAP in order to determine the level of soil quality. The methodology used was that proposed by the International Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Program (TSBF), which consists of subtracting monoliths from the soil 25 x 25 x 30 cm deep that is divided into three strata with the help of a shovel: litter or mulch, 0 to 10 cm deep, 10 to 20 cm, and 20 to 30 cm. obtaining 5 repetitions randomly for each plot. The results present the identification of 15 orders of macrofauna, among them are: Opiliones, aranea, blattodea, orthoptera, hymenoptera, isopod, coleoptera, dermaptera, homoptera, crassiclitellata, hemiptera, collembola, zigontoma, pseudoscorpion and devonobiomorpha. Termites with 1213 ind / m2, followed by beetles with 768 ind / m2, ants with 656 ind / m2 and centipedes with 560 ind / m2. Regarding the functional activities, plot III has a higher number of detritivore population 720 Ind / m2, a higher population of non-detritivores 1284 Ind / m2, followed by plot I with 640 ind / m2 of detritivore and 1168 Ind / m2 of non-detritivore. While plot V presents 176 ind / m2 of detritivore population and 288 Ind / m2 of non-detritivore population, determining the index of 0.56-0.55-0.61 respectively, classified as a low soil quality level; because it is located in the index range <1.
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