Bibliographic citations
Ferreyra, S., (2013). Actividad antibacteriana in vitro del extracto acuoso liofilizado de hojas de la especie Persea americana (palto) sobre microorganismos patógenos, IMET - EsSalud 2013 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana].
Ferreyra, S., Actividad antibacteriana in vitro del extracto acuoso liofilizado de hojas de la especie Persea americana (palto) sobre microorganismos patógenos, IMET - EsSalud 2013 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana; 2013.
title = "Actividad antibacteriana in vitro del extracto acuoso liofilizado de hojas de la especie Persea americana (palto) sobre microorganismos patógenos, IMET - EsSalud 2013",
author = "Ferreyra Shupingahua, Stephani",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana",
year = "2013"
The man from antiquity has searched in the plants, the healding for their various illnesses. Therefore, the objective of this research is to determine the in vitro antibacterial activity of lyophilized aqueous extract of leaves of the species Persea americana (avocado) on Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The leaves were collected from Botanical Garden of the Institute of Traditional Medicine (ITME) of EsSALUD, of which was obtained the lyophilized aqueous extract, preparing concentrations of 200 mg/ml, 300 mg/ml and 400 mg /ml, obtained the extracts was determined the antibacterial activity using the technique of disk agar diffusion , test that let to measure the IN VITRO susceptibility of pathogenic microorganisms, using the same way as a positive control gentamicin 10µg, and steril water as a negative control. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) was determined by macrodilution, which is the lowest concentration of the substance that can inhibit the visible growth of a microorganism after incubation for 18 hours. At the end the results of the tests , it was observed that the aqueous extract from the leaves of Persea Americana (avocado) at concentrations of 200 mg/ml, 300 mg/ml and 400 mg /ml had 59.61 %, 61.51% and 65.37% respectively against to Enterococcus faecalis, against Escherichia coli 200 mg/ml and 300mg/ml had 56.35% and 400 mg/ml had 63.61% of activity , was obtained a Staphylococcus aureus 49.18% to 200 mg/ml and 300 mg/ml and 52.43% of activity at a concentration of 400 mg/ml. In the determination of the CMI, the extract had 64mg/ml against Enterococcus faecalis, 32 mg/ml against Escherichia coli and 64 mg/ml against Staphylococcus aureus.
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