Bibliographic citations
Curinuqui, L., Pérez, V. (2021). Eficacia del látex de Ficus insipida en el control de ectoparásitos monogeneos de Brochis splendens y Colossoma macropomum en Loreto [Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Curinuqui, L., Pérez, V. Eficacia del látex de Ficus insipida en el control de ectoparásitos monogeneos de Brochis splendens y Colossoma macropomum en Loreto []. PE: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2021.
title = "Eficacia del látex de Ficus insipida en el control de ectoparásitos monogeneos de Brochis splendens y Colossoma macropomum en Loreto",
author = "Pérez Reátegui, Viviana",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2021"
Monogeneans are ectoparasites responsible for health problems and economic losses in fish farming; various chemical products and some phytotherapeutics are used for its control. However, studies related to the control of monogeneans through the use of medicinal plants as phytotherapeutics in Peru are scarce. For this reason, the aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of the Ficus insipida eye-catching latex in the control of monogeneans present in Brochis splendens juveniles and Colossoma macropomum fingerlings. 500 specimens of each species were collected from a collection center and an induced reproduction laboratory. Before evaluating the efficacy, the mean lethal concentration of F. insipida latex at 96 hours of exposure (LC50-96h) was determined; the fish being subjected to doses of 0.1, 5, 9, 13 and 17 mL / L, in a static system and the data were analyzed using Probit regression. For efficacy, the fish were subjected to two therapeutic baths of 3 and 24 hours duration, evaluating doses of 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 mL / L for B. splendens and 0, 0.5, 2.5 and 4.5 mL / L for C. macropomum. The LC50-96h for the juveniles of B. splendens and the fingerlings of C. macropomum was 7.84 mL / L and 14.25 mL / L. The highest percentage of efficacy of F. insipida latex in reducing monogeneans in Brochis splendens was 1 mL / L (81.24%) in 24-hour baths and for monogeneans of Colossoma macropomum it was 2.5 mL / L (91.94%) in 24 h baths. In conclusion, the latex of F. insipida had a high antiparasitic effect against monogeneans ectoparasites, which depends on the species of fish, dose and exposure time.
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