Bibliographic citations
Cubas, D., Flores, R. (2014). VIH/SIDA y caries dental en pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Regional de Loreto "Felipe Arriola Iglesias", 2014 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Cubas, D., Flores, R. VIH/SIDA y caries dental en pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Regional de Loreto "Felipe Arriola Iglesias", 2014 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2014.
title = "VIH/SIDA y caries dental en pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Regional de Loreto "Felipe Arriola Iglesias", 2014",
author = "Flores Vela, Reyna Jeny",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2014"
The present study aimed to verify the existence of relationship between dental caries and HIV / AIDS. The research was quantitative, non-experimental design was correlational, cross. The sample consisted of 70 patients diagnosed with HIV / AIDS treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto. The instrument used for this comparative study was the card to determine the level of dental caries and informed consent sheet. The DMFT of the sample was 12.47. The average teeth with dental caries were 7.64; missing teeth was 0.69 4.14 and sealed. The maximum number of decayed pieces was 9 representing 15.7%. The minimum was 14 accounting for 1.4%. 37.1% did not present missing parts. The minimum was missing pieces 1 with 10% and the maximum was 23 to 1.4%. 71.4% had no shutter some, 8.6% had one shutter, 8.6% had two seals, and 5.7% had three, 2.9% had 4 and 2.9% had five fillings. The group of 30-59 years was the most prevalent with 62.9%, followed by those of 18-29 years with 25.7%. In the CD4 count 45.7% showed less than 200 and 45.7% of 200-500, 8.6 greater than 500 cells present. The relationships between variables were analyzed. A test of Spearman's Correlation no relationship between HIV / AIDS (CD4) and the level of dental caries (p = 0.485). No relationship between CD4 and decayed teeth, missing teeth and CD4 and CD4 and filled teeth with 0.534, 0.218 and 0.893 respectively. Nor relationship between decayed and filled teeth (p = 0.779) among missing and filled teeth (p = 0.639) was found. However no relationship between the decayed and missing teeth (p = 0.018)
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