Bibliographic citations
Tuesta, C., Alves, H. (2019). Factores asociados al nivel de conocimiento sobre medidas preventivas en salud bucal de gestantes en la IPRESS-Bellavista Nanay - 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Tuesta, C., Alves, H. Factores asociados al nivel de conocimiento sobre medidas preventivas en salud bucal de gestantes en la IPRESS-Bellavista Nanay - 2019 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2019.
title = "Factores asociados al nivel de conocimiento sobre medidas preventivas en salud bucal de gestantes en la IPRESS-Bellavista Nanay - 2019",
author = "Alves Melendez, Hellen Kathleen",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2019"
The main objective of this study was to determine which factors are associated with the level of knowledge about preventive measures in pregnant patients who attend the IPRESS “Bellavista Nanay” in 2019. The study was quantitative, nonexperimental, analytical, cross-sectional and observational. Prospective, with transectional or correlational cross-sectional design. The population consisted of 247 pregnant women who came to the IPRESS "Bellavista Nanay", for the data collection an instrument (questionnaire) was developed validated by expert judgment and with KR (20) = 0.77 considered acceptable, with 20 questions about preventive measures in oral health, in addition the association variables (age, gestational age, parity, degree of instruction and last visit to the dentist) and supervision (level of knowledge categorized as: bad from 0-7, regular from 8-13 and good from 14-20). As for the statistical analysis, the statistical software SPSS version 22.0 in Spanish was used, and the chi-square independence test with a significance level of 0.05 was also used to determine the association. The results obtained show us that, of the 247 pregnant women, 14.6% (36 pregnant women) have a level categorized as bad, that is, they obtained at most 07 points; 57.5% (142 pregnant women) have a level categorized as regular, that is, they obtained from 08 to 13 points; and 27.9% (69 pregnant women) have a level of knowledge categorized as good, that is, they obtained a score of 14 to 20 points in the survey. In conclusion, the age, gestational age, parity and last visit to the dentist of pregnant women, are not associated with the level of knowledge, the only variable that is associated with the level of knowledge in preventive measures in oral health is the degree of instruction of pregnant women since it has a significance level of less than 0.004.
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