Citas bibligráficas
Bendezú, G., (2016). Análisis de las perspectivas de la aplicación del nuevo Código Procesal Penal en el distrito judicial de Loreto [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Bendezú, G., Análisis de las perspectivas de la aplicación del nuevo Código Procesal Penal en el distrito judicial de Loreto [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2016.
title = "Análisis de las perspectivas de la aplicación del nuevo Código Procesal Penal en el distrito judicial de Loreto",
author = "Bendezú Cigaran, Guillermo Arturo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2016"
This study, whose subjects will benefit from the results thereof, judges, litigants, and society as a whole, was justified being based on the following aspects: From the theoretical aspect; the study will contribute to the development of theories that can understand the application of legal tules according to law respectful of due process. From the doctrinaire aspect; It is able to understand the principies that serve as doctrinal basis for legal proceedings regarding criminal acts. From a practical perspective; the study will provide basic and important elements for the judge can understand the penalty area with prospective vision, efficiency of implementation of the NCPP. From the methodological standpoint, the study will propose procedures and strategies for efficient implementation of the NCPP. It will also provide valid and reliable instruments to measure the prospects of implementation of the NCPP. Therefore, this study will serve as a methodological reference for other research that decide to undertake in the future, in other contexts and levels and forms the object of study. Finally, from the social point of view, the study will contribute to a vision priority consequences on society of implementing the NCPP.
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