Bibliographic citations
Herrera, M., Vela, N. (2016). Caracterización fitoquímica y parámetros fisicoquímicos de hoja, corteza y raíz de Unonopsis floribunda Diels (icoja) año 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Herrera, M., Vela, N. Caracterización fitoquímica y parámetros fisicoquímicos de hoja, corteza y raíz de Unonopsis floribunda Diels (icoja) año 2016 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2016.
title = "Caracterización fitoquímica y parámetros fisicoquímicos de hoja, corteza y raíz de Unonopsis floribunda Diels (icoja) año 2016",
author = "Vela Amasifuen, Neida Nervi",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2016"
The present research consisted in performing the phytochemical study and determining the physicochemical parameters of the leaf, bark and root of Unonopsis floribunda Diels (icoja) carried out in the Laboratory of the Natural Resources Research Center of the Amazon-CIRNA of UNAP. The collected samples were taxonomically identified in the Herbarium Amazonense of the UNAP for their respective qualitative and quantitative study. The ethereal extract analysis reports sesquiterpenolactone / coumarin groups in the cortex and root, and a diverse variety of metabolites in the ethanolic extract: bark (tannins, sesquiterpenlactones / coumarins and saponins); Root (amino acids, tannins, sesquiterpenlactones / coumarins and saponins) and leaf (tannins). The aqueous bark extract reports saponins and in leaves, no secondary metabolite was found. The physicochemical parameters reported a moisture content for leaf (11.41%), bark (10.52%), root (11.16%); Total ashes: leaf (6.85%), bark (7.15%), root (5.67%); Water soluble ash: leaf (4.85%), bark (5.15%) root (3.67%); Ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid: leaf (8.68%), (bark 8.92%), root (7.38%) values below that established by the General Norms of the Pharmacopoeia; While insoluble ashes in acid medium were found above the limits established by MINSA
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