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Pinchi, S., Casas, D. (2016). Análisis del sector hidrocarburos de la región Loreto, periodo 2010-2014 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Pinchi, S., Casas, D. Análisis del sector hidrocarburos de la región Loreto, periodo 2010-2014 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2016.
title = "Análisis del sector hidrocarburos de la región Loreto, periodo 2010-2014",
author = "Casas Tello, Dan Elías",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2016"
Title: Análisis del sector hidrocarburos de la región Loreto, periodo 2010-2014
Authors(s): Pinchi Cachay, Sheyla Allinson; Casas Tello, Dan Elías
Advisor(s): Pinedo Manzur, Freddy Martín
Keywords: Sector industrial; Hidrocarburos; Análisis
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2016
Institution: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana
Abstract: El sector “Hidrocarburos, Minería y Otros” constituye la base de la economía de
la región Loreto, representando el 27.22% del Producto Bruto Interno (PBI)
regional, de la serie en estudio 2010 – 2014, siendo el principal generador de
empleo y movimiento empresarial, tanto de manera directa como indirecta; es
decir, existe una fuerte dependencia de este sector. Situación que es estudiada en
la presente tesis magistral. Asimismo, se hace un análisis comparativo con los
otros sectores que conforman el Producto Bruto Interno (PBI). Por otro lado, se
analiza la producción de hidrocarburos en cantidades (barriles por día) y valores
(millones de US$), graficando la tendencia en cada caso, precisando que si éstas
no coinciden se debe a una alteración en el precio. Del mismo modo, se analizan
las ventas tanto en volumen (barriles por día) como en valores (miles de US$),
describiendo los factores que determinan el comportamiento en cada caso.
Finalmente, se estudian exhaustivamente los ingresos por canon y sobre canon,
tanto en dólares como en soles, buscando la influencia del tipo de cambio en la
consecución de los valores finales.
Por último, se validan las hipótesis de manera analítica y gráfica, para
posteriormente arribar a las conclusiones y recomendaciones del estudio.
The sector "Hydrocarbons, Mining and Other" forms the basis of the economy of the Loreto region, accounting for 27.22% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) regional series under study from 2010 to 2014, the main generator of employment and movement business, both directly and indirectly; that is, there is a strong dependence on this sector. This situation is studied in this master thesis. Also, a comparative analysis with other sectors that make up the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is made. On the other hand, production of hydrocarbons in amounts (barrels per day) and values (million US $), by plotting the trend in each case, stating that if they did not agree to an alteration in the price must be analyzed. Similarly, sales are analyzed both in volume (barrels per day) and values (thousands of US $), describing the factors that determine the behavior in each case. Finally, thoroughly they studied canon revenues and canon, both in dollars and soles, seeking the influence of the exchange rate in attaining the final values. Finally, the hypothesis of analytical and graphical way, later to arrive at the conclusions and recommendations of the study are validated.
The sector "Hydrocarbons, Mining and Other" forms the basis of the economy of the Loreto region, accounting for 27.22% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) regional series under study from 2010 to 2014, the main generator of employment and movement business, both directly and indirectly; that is, there is a strong dependence on this sector. This situation is studied in this master thesis. Also, a comparative analysis with other sectors that make up the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is made. On the other hand, production of hydrocarbons in amounts (barrels per day) and values (million US $), by plotting the trend in each case, stating that if they did not agree to an alteration in the price must be analyzed. Similarly, sales are analyzed both in volume (barrels per day) and values (thousands of US $), describing the factors that determine the behavior in each case. Finally, thoroughly they studied canon revenues and canon, both in dollars and soles, seeking the influence of the exchange rate in attaining the final values. Finally, the hypothesis of analytical and graphical way, later to arrive at the conclusions and recommendations of the study are validated.
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Discipline: Ciencias Económicas y de Negocios
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana. Escuela de Posgrado
Grade or title: Maestro(a) en Gestión Empresarial
Register date: 8-Aug-2019
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